As you may have heard, in 2025, NeighborWorks® Boise's
Paint the Town™ will have an increased focus on serving our veteran neighbors and their families!

Volunteer To Help

Registration is open. Click below to register your team. With your help, we aim to paint 25 homes this year!

DEADLINE MAY 2nd, 2025

Buy a Bucket

These proceeds will go toward buying paint and supplies for this year's Paint The Town™ and you will be entered in a raffle to win some magnificent prizes!

Paint My House


Must be over 65, a veteran, or an individual with a disability and unable to have your home painted due to financial constraints.


For more info, call  208-258-6222 or email paintthetown@nwboise.org


Huge shout out to Treasure Valley Habitat for Humanity, who will be completing home repairs for up to 12 of our Paint The Town™ homes. This will increase the impact of the program and help preserve homeownership for eligible neighbors.



Homes Painted
Number of Volunteers
Homes Repaired Since 2024


Choose from multiple sponsorship levels to find a good fit.


42nd Annual Paint The Town Sponsor Banner: Platinum Rodda & KTVB, Gold D.L. Evans Bank, Intermountain Gas Company, KB Homes, Idaho Power, ICCU, Boise Cascade. Silver: Roe Paint, Atlas, Idaho Pizza Co., Blue Gander, NeighborWorks America, America First Credit Union, Little-Morris LLP, Zions Bank, Empire Title.

Check out our other community service program, Rake Up Boise™.

“My Paint The Town™ team painted my house and changed the entire vibe of the home I once shared with my husband. I truly didn’t know if I would ever be happy again after his death…They fixed damages on the outside of my house that transformed a house in need of TLC, into one that is beautiful and welcoming. They gave me some of my pride back and helped me realize it was time to start a new chapter in my life.” – Sandi, Paint The Town™ recipient

“We decided to apply after seeing what had been done in the area by PTT. I love the whole concept of PTT. Making the people who can’t do it for themselves feel good about having something new and bright to come home to, it’s amazing. There are so many here who came out to help and they’ve done such an incredible job! They have done so much more than just paint.”-Charlotte, Paint The Town™ recipient

“I honestly believe Paint The Town™ has made me a better person and leader (and maybe a better painter). It is so incredible to see the finished product, and the look on the owner’s face always brings tears to my eyes.  I am thankful Paint The Town™ exists. Thank you to NeighborWorks® Boise for coordinating such an amazing program for our community.” -Julie Schott, Paint The Town™ volunteer

" Many, many thanks to you and all your associates for their help in Paint The Town. My house looks beautiful and I am eternally grateful to all who participated. " -Carolyn Paint The Town™️ Recipient

“The fact that you let me pick the colors is even more surprising. I love it and my sister loved it too. It looks nicer than I could’ve ever imagined. They did a great job. I’m well pleased. It looks brand new for the first time in 20-some years. It's just a beautiful, beautiful looking trailer." - Cheryl Paint The Town™ recipient

FAQ's for Teams

Yes. However, we will require new teams to participate in training to help ensure quality standards are met.

FAQ's for Residents

  • Staff receives and reviews Paint The Town™ application for completeness and income qualification. Each homeowner’s circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Staff and volunteers conduct interviews.
  • Homes are chosen for evaluation and lead testing in April. (We cannot paint lead-positive homes for safety reasons)
  • Interviews and paint evaluation do not guarantee your home will be painted. They are a part of the selection process.

Homes and volunteer teams are selected and matched in May.