Presenting our newest Pocket Neighborhood™ COLE BLUFF COTTAGES
Cole & Fairview | Boise
- 39 units
- Expected pricing: starting in the low $300,000
- Floor plans from one to three stories
- Square footage from 816 to 1,998
- Bedrooms from 2 to 4
- Visitable
- Energy Star Certified
- Community gazebos & common areas
- Solar-ready homes
- Electrical vehicle outlets
Energy Efficient Homes
New homes include features like:
• A complete Thermal Enclosure System with comprehensive air sealing, quality-installed insulation, and high-performance windows, to deliver improved comfort and lower utility bills.
• A high-efficiency heating, ventilating, and cooling system that is designed and installed for optimal performance.
• A comprehensive water management system to protect roofs, walls, and foundations from moisture damage.
• Energy-efficient lighting and appliances to help keep utility bills low, while providing high-quality performance and longevity.
What is a Pocket Neighborhood™?
Pocket Neighborhoods™ provide opportunities for a wide variety of diversity in homeowners and grew out of the desire by many to move closer to where they work and play. These single-family locations allow buyers to obtain their "American Dream" in a more compact setting within existing neighborhoods, while promoting a sense of community.

In the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries, the Boise Valley was mostly a collection of rural communities scattered amid the developing farmland thanks to new irrigation canals. The area to the west of Boise City was known as "the Bluffs" as its elevation allowed expansive views of the Boise River valley with the Boise Mountains to the north and the Owyhee Mountains to the south.
In 1888, Orris and Ella (Bown) Cole donated part of their farmland for the construction of a school, and the original Cole School was constructed in that year. Located four miles out of town, the school was built by members of the local community. Cole School became a stop on the Boise and Interurban Electric Railway, later the Boise Interurban Railway, in 1904.
How we all wish we had access to that urban rail service today!
The original one-room schoolhouse would prove to be too small for the growing community. In 1902, a new school was built and the old school was moved to a location in NW Boise where it stood until a 1984 fire took it down. The new building served the community well until 1934 when more space was added.
A bell was installed in the tower at Cole School in the late 1980's.
The School became the center of controversy in 2008 when Ada School District closed the school and began plans for its demolition. This met with fierce protests from historical preservation groups and many local citizens. Despite strong opposition, the school was torn down in 2009.
Part of the site of the original Cole School is set to become home to 39 units of mixed income-affordable housing to be named "Cole Bluff Cottages"
Although the old bell is not available, a replica is planned to be placed in a cupola atop a gazebo in the subdivision as part of a dedication to Cole School.
Interested in the Cole Bluff Cottages community?
NeighborWorks® Boise is dedicated to being a leader in providing affordable housing solutions.
Through grants, down payment assistance, shared equity investments, and low-cost mortgages, we work with homebuyers to provide the best housing solutions available. You may be eligible for 100% financing and down payment assistance.
Don't wait, contact NeighborWorks® Boise Lending | lending@nwboise.org | 208-258-6226